Tuesday 30 January 2018

DIY Star Butterfly's Wand

Hey guys! In this tutorial I will be showing you how I made Star's magical wand. It is super easy and you probably already have all the materials required for this diy. Star's wand gets upgraded in every season so I'll be making her wand from season 3 which is the latest season. So let's get (star)ted!

#1 Take the cardboard pipe from an aluminium foil roll. Paint it dark purple with thick lilac stripes. Paint the bottom of the pipe yellow. Cutout the pink gem(the wand charger) and paste it inside the pipe at the bottom. The handle of your wand is almost ready.

#2 Now we are going to make the ball part of Star's wand. For this you'll need a bottle of glue, a brush, teared pieces of newspaper and a round balloon. Make sure the balloon is as round as possible to get that perfect ball shape. Using glue, stick the pieces of paper on the balloon. Stick at least 4-5 layers of paper on the balloon to make it sturdy. I let it dry for a week since it's winters and it takes time to dry otherwise it would be dry in a few days.

#3 After it is completely dry, pop the balloon and remove it. If you see that it is not holding it's shape that means that it wasn't completely dry and you need to work on your patience so give it time to avoid this. Now, paint the entire ball purple then make a small orange star on it. Make a bigger light yellow star around it and color some parts of this star mustard like in the picture. Paint a light blue circle around this star and then a dark blue star around the yellow star.

Cut out 5 pink stars and paste it as shown in the picture. Cut out the wings of the wand(make sure they are big) and paste it on either sides of the ball and paste 2 horns on it's top.

 #4 Cut out a circle of the size of the mouth of the wand's handle. Paste it on the mouth of the handle and put tons of glue on the circle. Now, stick the ball on the mouth(I figured it was easier sticking it this way rather than directly sticking them together as the circle gives it something more to hold onto).

Cut out a big pink heart and paste it where the ball and the handle meet and paint a yellow stripe on either sides of the heart on the handle and your wand is ready to narwhal blast monsters!

Make sure to charge your wand so that it keeps functioning. You can buy the charger at Quest Buy just don't get lost or bump into Ludo(he was thrown into oblivion so that shouldn't be a problem) xD

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